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Mr. Tod's Pies - Rebrand


Sleepy Dan’s had the pleasure of teaming with Mr. Tod’s Pies, a bakery based out of New Jersey that was named “one of the best mail order pie companies in America”.  Sleepy Dan’s teamed up with The Art of Good, a non-profit design business based out of California, to execute a brand refresh that would provide the client with a recognizable, memorable identity that would be well received by their existing consumers.  After some in depth discussion, research and development, a series of designs were pitched to Mr. Tod.  The Art of Good was able to convince Mr. Tod that the best possible rebrand would be using an image of him, rather than trying to stick with the existing "pie man" character they had been running with.  Initially Mr. Tod was hesitant to use his face for the face of the business, but we were able to convince him that it was without a doubt the best route to take.  The project was incredibly fulfilling that provided an opportunity to creatively solve a series of design issues, with a well known and respected client.  Shortly after, the new brand identity was rolled out with Mr. Tod’s pies making their way onto shelves into nationwide stores such as Shop Rite and Target.